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A book we all must read...If you haven't don't worry just dig in....

So many books, so little time..
There are hundreds and thousands of books that you may wish to read or have already read some of them.....but you still miss out on a lot of stuff that's available, so here is a book summary to help you get the zest of it ,  you might have read it  but you can get a totally different perspective over it.

So the first virtual book in your first self to the right is 


This story is based in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul in those years when the Taliban had just started to set up their feet into Afghanistan. Amir the narrator and protagonist, is a very sensitive normal humane character who isn't afraid to feel the way as he does in certain circumstances during the story, he has his flaws and the author isn't afraid to say it aloud.
Hassan, who is the same age as Amir is a great companion ,a loyal friend, he is the son of Ali who serves as a house help in Baba's house (Amir's dad). He has a strong character and is one of the wealthiest, most reputed personalities in Afghanistan, he is a businessman and travels all over the world. Baba's friend Rahim Khan also plays a vital role and helps Amir to iron off some of the creases that he carries for life.

             Hassan and Amir are very fond of kites and kite tournaments (as most kids were then) they participated in one such tournament and Amir won it... Hassan ran to collect the blue kite that was strangled down by Amir's kite and that's where the name comes from the kite runner. Amir being happy about the fact that he has achieved something that his father would be proud of, he runs to his mansion Baba congratulates him and so do all the others ......hours passed by but Hassan was nowhere to be seen, he ran to find Hassan, he inquired and one direction lead to other and then he saw Hassan amidst a group of bullies and being raped. Amir saw it, he couldn't make anything from the thing he saw... he was stuck,he returned back home and pretended that nothing had happened, the guilt made him do unreasonable things, he planed a theft and made Hassan a culprit, no sooner did Baba knew this Ali and Hassan were kicked out of the house.

               Things changed, one circumstance leads to another  Baba and Amir had to leave Afghanistan, they moved to California they earned their daily bread by working at a flea market all this while the one constant regret Amir had was not saving Hassan ...
 years passed.... Baba had passed away, Amir got married to Soraya

              One day Rahim khan (Baba's friend) called Amir and asked him to return to Afghanistan,Rahim Khan also revealed that Hassan was Baba's son... Amir's half brother... after knowing that Hassan and his wife had been shot by the Taliban and their only son was in an orphanage in Kabul. Amir adopted Sohrab(Hassan's son) and took him to California.

               Amir was once invited to a kite festival it was for the first time he flew a kite after 1975 
He won it again, he asked Sohrab if he wanted it, Sohrab agreed... he ran, ran like a small kid fearlessly amongst those children he ran leaving his guilt behind he ran........

To start with, this is Khaled's first novel that is just extraordinary, it's so engaging after a point I feel that I was a part of pulls ever string of your heart, leaves you in the memory of the book for weeks.

There is a  line in the book that says for you a thousand times over my exact words after I read this book I can read it a thousand times over, over and over again .the story caught me in every page, one more page, one more chapter... it was nearly impossible for me to keep it down(but my mom made sure I did!!). I  understood that "Regret is your biggest enemy, most of your actions are a reflection of guilt built in your head"

So it's a request if you have read this blog till this end .....release your guilt, confess it if you can, apologize for it while you still have time 

 Stay home, Stay safe 

 Keep reading and stay tuned and let me know about my first blog, comment down(do it or you'll regret and you know by now it can lead you to many things!!!!!  jk )

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  1. Your blog makes me want to read the book right now. πŸ‘

  2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. The review is very relatable to my thoughts...and the book is just awesome...keep going..❣️❣️

  4. Woww πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  5. If regret is our biggest enemy then I am definitely gonna read this book cause I dont wanna regret...❣️❣️❣️

  6. Your blog gave me a short but the most important lesson for my life!
    Your words made us connect this book without reading!

    Keep Us Updating!
    Keep Going Girl! ❤

  7. Well done @ishavithlaniπŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯

  8. This blog made me eager dude
    Now m a read this book
    Good one isha������

  9. This blog made me eager dude
    Now m a read this book
    Good one ishaπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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